• Command Line PDF Manipluation - Double Sided Scan - Front and Reversed Back

    Merge two PDFs scanned from a double sided print, front.pdf and reverse.pdf. The reverse.pdf side is scanned in the reverse order to the front. Extract images from multiple PDFs. The Poppler toolset provides pdfimages. mkdir -p images/front mkdir -p images/reverse pdfimages -p -all front.pdf images/front/ pdfimages -p -all reverse.pdf images/reverse/...

  • The Australian Commodore Review Amiga Annual 1998

    A lot of computing history is captured in old magazines. i had a small collection from the 80s, that had been passed down to me many years ago. To de-clutter I’ve sold off most of them to collectors who would get more value from them than me. Most retro magazines...

  • Command Line PDF Manipluation

    Extract images from multiple PDFs. The Poppler toolset provides pdfimages. mkdir images for f in *.pdf ; do pdfimages -p -all ${f} images/${f%.*} ; done Rename per page. i=1; for f in `ls -1 *.jpg | sort` ; do mv $f p-$i.jpg; i=$[$i + 1]; done Create PDF from images....

  • WSL2 Disk Cleanup

    The WSL disk image has grown to fill the host C:/ drive due to too many large docker builds. The virtual partition needs to be shrunk, the process below can be used. Thanks to this comment on Github. The path to the virtual disk was found via WinDirStat: C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc\LocalState\ext4.vhdx In...

  • Coding in C for MCUs: Sort Structs to Save Code Size

    This is also published on Medium. This post explores two things. Firstly, a handy way to save code size on ARM Cortex-M-based MCUs with limited resources. Secondly, it looks at the impact of the hardware architecture on meeting software requirements. In particular, it looks at memory rows and alignment. An...